Washington State Law (WAC 388-150-480) requires childcare professionals to report any or all suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. We document any bruises or injuries that happen in the Center and any that the child has coming into the Center. We may ask the parent to sign the form that explains how the child received the bruise or injury. This is for the protection of all concerned.
In addition, if a child is left in our care after normal business hours and we have not been notified by the parent that they may be substantially late to the point of concern, the child may be considered abandoned and the child protective services will be called.
We will make every effort to work with the parents of children having difficulties in child care. We are here to serve and protect all of our children. Children displaying chronic disruptive behavior (determined to be upsetting to the physical or emotional well being of another child) may require the following actions:
Posted procedures are in each of the classrooms that are to be followed in the case of a natural disaster. Also posted are the emergency evacuation routes that are to be followed in the case of a fire. We encourage you to look at and become familiar with these.
Fire drills and earthquake drills are performed at random times at least once per month. The dates and times these occur are recorded and kept in the office.
Please provide an earthquake kit for each child enrolled. They can be purchased through most major grocery stores, for a very small fee. We ask that you include a picture of your family. It helps us in identification and in comforting the child if something should happen.
Little Scholars Early Learning Center reserves the right to cancel the enrollment of a child for the following reasons:
Corporal Punishment of any kind will not be used. We explain the rules to the children to the best of their understanding. We model appropriate behavior and encourage good manners. We try to be very consistent. All children are treated equally. It is our hope that your child will be too engaged and busy to get into any disciplinary trouble. However if the occasion arrives, we will let the child know that the behavior they are displaying is inappropriate and is not allowed. We use redirection and on rare occasion "time out" (one minute per year of age). We attempt to redirect your child in a positive manner.
We provide a clean indoor and outdoor facility. The play area and toys are sprayed with a disinfectant. The toys are sanitized weekly with bleach and bedding is washed weekly (daily if needed). Sanitizing will be according to our health policy. Chemicals and medication is kept in locked doors away from children. We have child proof latches.
Parents have permission to be in any part of the Center that your child is allowed in during the time that the child is at Little Scholars. Please feel free to check in at the front desk whenever your child is in our care. Please note that due to Washington State Health Laws, no parent or child is allowed in the kitchen.
Children are asked to wash their hands when entering Little Scholars for the day. We request this as a health protection for our Center. We also require washing up after toileting and before eating.
Smoking is not allowed in the Center.
Please provide a change of clothes each day for your child. It is nice to send your child home in clean clothes.
Should your child be allergic to milk or any other food, we need a signed statement from his/her physician in accordance with Washington State requirements. Note: Little Scholars does not serve nuts due to allergies.
We do not provide formula or diapers. There will be a $1 charge per diaper if you do not supply an adequate amount of diapers.
We cannot rinse out bowel movement from clothes or even blood if a child gets cut. If your child is in different clothes when you pick them up, please check for a plastic bag so you may wash the clothes immediately. This is to ensure compliance with Washington State Law (WAC 388-150-270).
1. Staff will wash their hands before and after diapering, toileting, eating, handling, and preparing food, and handling contaminated materials.
2. Children will wash after toileting, after handling contaminated materials and before and after eating.
3. Diapers will be changed regularly and immediately after a bowel movement.
4. Bedding will be laundered as needed or once a week.
5. Toilet training will be supported and a toilet insert will be available for use.
Little Scholars provides children with breakfast, lunch, and a morning and afternoon snack. Meals will include dairy product (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese), fruit or vegetable (2 fruits or 2 vegetables or 1 fruit and 1 vegetable), 100% fruit or vegetable juice, grain product (rice cake, bread, bagel, cereal).
If a child is hurt, the teacher will stay with the child and administer first aid while another teacher will call for aid if needed. The teacher will also attempt to notify the parent any time a child is hurt, no matter how minor. If the emergency is life threatening, we will call 911 prior to calling the parent. This is to ensure compliance with Washington State Law (WAC 388-150-480).
If your child will be absent for any other reason than an illness we ask that you give the Center 24 hour notice. Please give us two weeks prior notice when you will be taking your child on vacation. We will not give credit for any missed days.
Do not bring your child to Little Scholars if he or she has the following symptoms: 100 degree or higher fever, vomiting, diarrhea or has a contagious illness. This is in compliance with the Washington State Law (WAC 388-150-220). Please keep in mind that per Washington State Department of Health Regulations, the child must be free of these symptoms for 24 hours before returning to the Center. If your child is on prescription medications for lice, strep throat, pneumonia, pink eye, bronchitis, or ring worm, your child must be on medication 48 hours with no symptoms prior to returning to the Center. If a parent sends their child to Little Scholars ill or does not pick them up in a timely manner after the Center has contacted the parent, the parent will be charged $15 per hour until pick up.
When needed we ask that you provide the following:
Each staff member has a Food Handlers Card as well as a CPR/First Aid Card and Aid Certificate. All food, formula, and bottles (supplied by parents) are labeled with each toddlers name and date.
Our diapering procedures are very exacting. The diapering area is completely separate from any food handling area. Hand washing facilities are adjacent to the diapering table. All the necessary equipment for cleansing and sanitizing the toddler is at hand. Disposable wipes are used for cleansing the toddler and disposable diapers (supplied by the parent) are used. Diapers are checked and changed, as needed with a one hour minimum. Always plan on 1 diaper per hour that your child is in our care. Oils, ointments or powders will not be used without the parents filling out a medication sheet and checking it in the office. Little Scholars will sanitize the changing table and wash it thoroughly after each use. Diapers are disposed of using a waterproofed and lined container.
When you feel your child is ready to potty train, we will be happy to assist you. Your child may be ready to potty train if he or she is:
There is no definite age when a child is ready, and many toddlers and two-year olds alternate between periods of cooperative and negative behavior. It is our experience that toilet training is best started sometime between 24 and 36 months of age. Both the parent and staff should use the same procedures for training so that they do not confuse the child. If there is too much anxiety or stress, then it may be better for the child to wait and try again at a later time. During potty training, it is very important to dress your child in uncomplicated clothing that the child can easily manage on his/her own and to provide clothing changes. We would like to reiterate that toilet training in a group affects individual children differently and can actually accelerate or slow your child's training while at the Center. A toilet training consent form will be provided upon enrollment.